
Prices for overnight guests (main season)

The prices apply for high season 21.06 to 10.08

Caravan / RV category 1

520 kr

Caravan / RV category 2

560 kr

Tent + bicycle

370 kr


490 kr

Tent + car

490 kr

Prices for overnight guests (low season)

Prices apply to low season 01.05 to 20.06 # 11.08 to 31.08

Caravan / RV category 1

420 kr

Caravan / RV category 2

460 kr

Tent + bicycle

270 kr


370 kr

Tent + car

370 kr

General price list

Tumble dryer

55 kr

Washing machine

55 kr


20 kr

Extra pass card

A pass card comes with the space

100 kr

Prices for seasonal guests

Regular guests season (incl. electricity)

20.800 kr

Winter storage

2.900 kr

Insulated awning / year-round tent

3.000 kr